Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Stitch Fix Numba' 7!

Stitch Fix Numba' 7!

I was too lazy to blog Stitch Fix Numba' 6, but it DID happen. It was my July birthday Fix (when they waive the $20 fee) and I liked a few pieces, but I just couldn't afford it....because we went to China to meet and bring home our sweet little Oliver!!

I LOVED this Fix! Brenda was my stylist and hit the nail on the head! I asked for 5 Fall tops, and she delivered!


Indianan Graphic Print Mixed Material Tee, by Pixley

Great top to wear under a cardigan or jacket when it gets cooler!


Frye Frayed Edge Top, by Olive and Oak

How adorable?! The colors are not typical of Fall, but to me, it says "Wear me in Fall." So soft and fits perfectly!


Benter Mixed Material Top, by Kut From the Kloth

Floral, wine-colored print with static-TV gray! Love.


Nehalem Woven Back Knit Top, by Le Lis

So soft! And the color is a muted blue/gray, which is a "comfy" color to me. The touch of pattern on the back is enough to pull an outfit together.


Canby Faux Suede Elbow Patch Knit Top, by Market & Spruce

This is a google image of the top, but it came in a size too large, so I exchanged it for a smaller size. It's the perfect throw-on shirt when I'm too lazy to plan an outfit...might be wearing this every day.....oops.

There you have it! A 5/5! You can try >>>Stitch Fix<<< for yourself!*

It's $20 per Fix, schedule when you want, ask for items you desire in your closet, wait for the Fix, decide what you like, send back what you don't. Everything is handled online, from start to finish! Oh, and the $20 charge for styling is deducted from your final purchase :-)

Check out my other blog posts for more details, or Facebook message me with any questions.

Thanks for following my Stitch Fix journey!


*I receive $25 Stitch Fix credit when you click the link in this blog post. You can too once you create your own account and share your referral link!!